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Michael L. Simplot


If you are reading this Letter of Recommendation it means you are talking to Jess Chapman of Chapman Construction to build your home or cabin. If you want to save yourself a lot of time just stop reading right here and hire Jess. It will be the best thing you ever do.

My wife and I decided 6 years ago that we wanted to remodel our cabin. Well, it turned into a renovation as the project doubled in size once the plans were done, and we still wanted to use some of the original cabin footings and walls. We probably should have just torn everything down and started fresh. But Jess told us he could do what we wanted and also could get us in by Christmas of the same year. Now I know you have heard all the horror stories from people saying that couples almost got divorced from building a house together. Well my wife and I had the same concerns but we shouldn’t have. Working with Jess put all those fears to ease right away. It was amazing to work with him.

Now Jess is not your normal contractor who gets the bid out and then moves on to the next project. Jess was on our job site wearing a carpenter’s belt right along with all of his crew. This made Lisa and I really happy, as we knew he would, be addressing each issue as it arose on the job site. Jess was also great about giving us plenty of lead time so we could pick out lights, bathroom fixtures, tubs, toilets, carpet, tile and whatever else we needed. Jess was always there to answer questions for us so we could stay ahead of him on what he needed next. All of this made our life so much easier during the process.

We also threw Jess a curve when we decided to use some reclaimed lumber which meant Jess needed to figure out how much he would need, get it picked up and sent to Salt Lake City to have all the metal removed from it, milled and sent back to McCall without slowing down the process at all. Well he did all that and still got us into the cabin a week before we thought he ever could.

I could go on and on about our experience with Jess. But everything he does is so great that I would love to build another house or cabin if we could hire him. The architect we used also loved working with Jess and his crew and the work he did was top notch. These are all the things you get by using Chapman Construction. But on top of this the sub-contractors he has are also top notch and from the local area, so if you ever do have a problem they are able to get there quickly to help you figure out what is going on.

I hate writing these letters but not this one. Working with Jess and everybody he surrounds himself with made our project so wonderful, and I think we have some of the best quality workmanship you will find anywhere. You can’t do any better than hiring Jess to be your contractor. If you don’t believe me have him take you out and look at our cabin. It is a little lived in now but the quality of Jess’s work is still more than visible. If you want to talk to me in person please call me at (208) 321-0357. This is my work number so I am at it most work days.

Thank you for reading this whole letter and I hope you find working with Jess Chapman as fun as my wife and I did.